Program Areas

Programme Areas and Guidelines for Applicants

The Freedom of Expression Foundation Oslo manages funds for projects within the areas of Media and Democracy, Information and public debate, Grants and Training and Art and Culture.

Media and Democracy

What kinds of media structures promote democracy and freedom of expression? The media are important sources of information as well as potential fora for balanced discussions. Knowledge about media trends and their social consequences, ambitious programme production and alternative modes of organisation enrich the cultural environment, promoting timely social debate. The programme area "Media and democracy" addresses a number of fundamental assumptions for the development of freedom of expression.

Information and the Public Debate

Access to documentation and comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge are crucial for a good public debate. Market mechanisms alone will not guarantee such accessibility, and many valuable knowledge-related and debate initiatives require outside funding to be brought to fruition. To a large extent, books, documentary films, seminars and conferences determine the level of knowledge in society-at-large at the same time as they provide fora for lively debates.

Grants and Training

Representative government is based on young people taking part in the social debate and being aware of the importance of freedom of expression. Accordingly, advocating well-grounded opinions, the exchange of opinions and candid talk and conversation is a crucial task. Initiatives to enhance this aspect of educational activities and other youth-oriented efforts may be appropriate means to generate interest in freedom of expression and knowledge about the conditions required for it. One important step in this direction is the Freedom of Expression Foundation's grants for students at colleges and universities.

Art and Culture

Important breakthroughs for freedom of expression have often taken place through art and the general cultural debate. The Freedom of Expression Foundation's Objects Clause covers cultural measures primarily based on free speech. In this context, special reference is made to support for catalogues, initiatives for exchanging opinions, cross-cultural dialogue in connection with artistic expressions and debate on cultural policy.

Program Areas